What do we do
- We believe in a society that does not turn its back on the reality of the penitentiary and that is involved in its reinsertion process, avoiding, as far as possible, the effects of internment, and promoting rehabilitation alternatives.
- We give spiritual support to those deprived of liberty and we promote and favor social reintegration.
- We spread the knowledge of the Mercedaria Work, its history and its purposes.
- We carry out concrete actions that prevent and avoid the social causes that generate crime.
- We conduct activities aimed at the creation, training and exercise of social volunteering specialized in reintegration and prison social work.

- We develop all kinds of activities aimed at the cultural and social training of prisoners.
- We organize conferences, colloquia and seminars and edit and favor all kinds of periodicals or not, aimed at the social dissemination of the purposes of the Private Foundation.
- We accompany people who leave in de fi nitive freedom towards the normalization of life in society.
- We promote and work for the promotion of the most oppressed peoples and cultures, through the creation of development and cooperation programs in order to achieve their self-development.